Agent Unit

The Agent Unit device is a complete set of modules in the field of payment, which is assembled to provide teller services on-site. This device can also serve as self-service according to different requirements of customers in the absence of a teller.



  • In the same kind of products with the smallest volume, the lightest
      weight, and the most complete function
  • It has power indictor and status indicator, and supports remote
      diagnosis of device status
  • Modular design, scalability, easy operation and maintenance
  • Low power consumption, strong endurance and high reliability
  • Flat card instant system as well as card fetching & replacement,
      activation and other social security services
  • Complete the opening, activation, inquiry, transfer, payment,
      voucher printing and other financial services
  • Through the face image, fingerprint, ID card reader and other
      multi-dimensional biometric identification technology, to achieve
      the verification of witness, government services
  • The built-in GPS module and environmental camera can query
      and monitor the device location in real time to avoid business
      supervision risks